Ski-Doo моторни санки за 2024-та година

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Еден поглед на поставата Ski-Doo за 2024 година и ќе ја разберете страста и желбата што се влеваат во секоја санка. Сето тоа е поттикнато од нашата опсесија да го храниме вашиот апетит за зимска авантура.

Watch our walkaround videos

Бидете дел од снежната авантура

Најновите Ski-Doo моторни санки за 2024 година ги обезбедуваат највозбудливите возења досега кои ги инспирираат возачите кои копнеат за најдоброто во перформансите на санки, способноста и иновациите. Подгответе се да ја зграпчите зимата каква што никогаш досега не сте имале.

2025 Trail Snowmobiles Walkaround

The RAS RX Front Suspension

2025 Crossover Snowmobiles Walkaround

2025 Deep Snow Snowmobiles Walkaround

Build Your 2025 Ski-Doo



Effortlessly agile, Summit snowmobiles paired with industry-defining Rotax power deliver dynamic deep-snow performance and instant response in technical winter terrain.



Capable of conquering deep-snow extremes and doing it in a style all its own, the Freeride stands out alone in a world where insane climbs and big drops are the norm.



The premiere crossover snowmobiling experience. The Ski-Doo Backcountry expertly blends on-trail precision with off-trail capability, and does it in a way that offers every rider the best ride for their world – and now does it with proven, turbocharged Rotax power.



With race-inspired DNA, the Ski-Doo MXZ’s advanced innovations deliver supremely confident handling and dynamic power with motocross-like agility in any trail conditions.



Built for the winter adventurer with longer tracks for more grip and added comfort. Paired with several Rotax engine options, there’s a Renegade for every trail riders.



On- or Off-trail, Ski-Doo Expedition models pack incredible versatility and capability into one sled. Work at the cottage one hour, start a new adventure the next.

2025 Ski-Doo Accessories & Apparel

Enhance every Ride

Designed to make every ride better. The 2025 Ski-Doo accessories and apparel are focused on letting you dial in the perfect experience with simple, seamlessly integrated solutions that make life on the snow better.


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