Smagu važiuoti ir lengva vilkti, "Spark" sukurtas taip, kad maksimaliai padidintų jūsų vasaros pramogas ant vandens.
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Kalbant apie visas linksmybes, niekas neprilygsta "Sea-Doo Spark". Nuo purslų išvaizdos iki vikraus, švelnaus elgesio – geras laikas prasideda!
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Geras linksmybėms, dar geresnis piniginei.
Dėl labai efektyvių variklių, nebrangios priežiūros ir prieinamiausių motociklų pramonėje nėra ekonomiškesnio būdo pradėti mėgautis "Sea-Doo Life" nei "Spark".
Lengva Jums
Lengvas, kompaktiškas, puikus vilkimui
Lengvas, kompaktiškas "Spark" dizainas daro jį sprogstančiu ant vandens. Tai taip pat leidžia su jais lengvai vilkti beveik bet kokia transporto priemone ir lengvai laikyti, nes jiems reikia daug mažiau vietos nei viso dydžio motociklui.
Rotax varikliai
Convenience Package
Audio-Portable System
Slim Seat
Fast and fuel-efficient
Rotax 900 ACE variklis
"Rotax 900 ACE - 44.13 kW" (60 AG) variklis yra ekonomiškiausias variklis rinkoje, sunaudojantis vos 7.34L degalų per valandą, o didesnės arklio galios, greičiau įsibėgėjantis "Rotax 900 ACE" - 66.19kW (90 AG) naudoja tik 9 L per valandą*. Abu yra kompaktiški, lengvi ir užtikrina greitą pagreitį.
*Remiantis BRP vidiniais bandymais.
Spark Hull
Lightweight and high-strength polytec hull
Not only does the Spark hull create a superbly playful ride, the robust Polytec material reduces weight to deliver peak performance and efficiency, and makes it easy to tow with most cars. Plus, the color-in molding makes it more scratch-resistant, cheaper and easier to repair than fiberglass.
Sea-Doo exclusives set the standard
iBR and Convenience Package Plus
Get more control with our exclusive iBR - Intelligent Brake and Reverse system and more fun everywhere you go with the BRP Audio-Portable System.* Add the Target Languageont Storage Bin Kit to bring along your personal belongings and make boarding easier with a boarding step.
*Optional with 3-up Convenience Package only
Let the music play with you
BRP Audio-Portable System
Listen to your music in, on, or off the water with this fully-submersible and portable audio system. Loaded with two 25 Watt speakers with Bluetooth connectivity and up to 24 hours of battery life. The intuitive control pad makes adjustments easy whether on or off your watercraft.
*Optional with 3-up Convenience Package only
Target Languageeedom to Move
Nothing in your way
Designed to give you maximum Target Languageeedom while you ride. Slim seat profile lets riders move about the watercraft easier and offers versatile comfort while sitting or standing.
Explore Spark packages and specifications
The Spark 2 up delivers endless excitement on the water. With nimble, playful handling and a highly-efficient Rotax 900 ACE engine with plenty of zip, it’s the most affordable way to add buckets of fun to your summer.
The GTI platform boasts versatile capababilities that expands your horizons on the water. Whether your day consists of spirited riding, tow sports, fishing or just cruising, the GTI always ensures your experience is spectacular.